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Hear ye, hear ye!

I am a bit late to the blog with your link (see below) for The Legacy: A New Era. Sorry ‘bout it. I was waiting on something before I posted this, and I finally have that something.

So I'm here to tell you that, yes, A New Era is live and completes the four-book spinoff for the Culling series. All seven Culling books are available for your binge-reading purposes. For those of you who were waiting for the spinoff to be finished until starting the Legacy series, now is your time! But I can also now officially announce…

The Legacy series is coming to audio too!

I had hit the audio brick wall for the Legacy series and it just wasn’t happening. But as I was gearing up for a book launch, I got word that it was happening. And fast. All four books should be available in audiobook format by this time next year. And I am so excited. It was an unexpected but welcome surprise to my launch week workload.

I repeat: Audio. Is. Happening.

Also, within the next few weeks, the hardcovers for the original Culling books should be going live. They are not jacketed hardcovers. Instead, it’s a matte hardcover. I was so impressed with the first proof book I received that I am working on getting them for all seven Culling books. I personally like the no jacket hardcover option. When I read a hardcover, I take off the jacket while reading because it always gets all bunched up. But I know some people also love book jackets. So do what ya want! With hardcover and audio, the original Culling books should have FOUR different options for you.

Big things in the mix, people. The Legacy series is finally finished. I closed the door on the Culling world exactly how I had originally wanted to with The Reckoning. I did it! I’m not sure it’s really set in yet that it’s all over…

But I’m also not going anywhere anytime soon. So don’t leave me juuuuust yet.

I am sending my final cozy Christmas book off to my editor in August, and hopefully, we can get it spruced in time for Christmas. That series should also be completed this year! (That would be four books from me in 2021, in case you were counting.)

And then, with all my other WIPs and series all wrapped up, I am (finally) all freed up to write my fantasy series… which may or may not be already started because I just couldn’t help myself while on my writing retreat. Starting it before I should have was honestly the best thing for me. Rather than being sad because the Culling is over, I am able to be excited because of the new stuff. I said it best on my Facebook post a few weeks back when I said, “I am ready to close the door on one world only to open the door to a new one.” Having a foot inside each world has taken the ending of the Culling books from bitter to bittersweet. I’m fully free now to create something new. And that blinking cursor gets me so damn excited, I can’t even explain it.

So with that being said, starting August 1st, I’ll be writing. This new series... ugh, y’all. A character who cannot yet be named, though he has a name, is trying to knock Lyncoln off of the favorite character I’ve written spot. There are a pair of villains. There is magic. And I cannot wait to take you there! 😊 -Tricia Your links for the Legacy Series just in case you need them: The Legacy: James


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