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Interview for Pixie Forest Publishing

Hi, y'all!

I've been meaning to get an updated blog post up, but I've honestly been using every spare moment to edit away. When I say "my editing dungeon" I mean quite literally that. I stay away from social media and distractions and attack my manuscript. The good news? By the end of October, my betas will have the first third of the third book. The bad news? We still have a ways to go before it's where I'd like it to be. Editing is a beast, what can I say?! But while you wait, don't forget about my short story, Six-Point Hayes, that came out in September, also free on Kindle Unlimited. The authors for the anthology all recently did an interview for our publisher and here is mine! Stay tuned on my Facebook page this month for some shareable book teasers and mayyyybe even a teaser for the third book?! (If I can get my life together...) Here is the link for my short story:

And a little teasery picture:

Interview of Tricia Wentworth for Pixie Forest Publishing: 1. Where did your inspiration for your story come from? As a big sports lover, I had been wanting to do a sportsy romance for a while now. I was in the grocery store one day and had a vague idea for a love story, and between the two, the idea was born.

2. Who is your favorite character in this story and why? Lexi. She’s a mom, a single mom, but she doesn’t feel sorry for herself or complain about the situation she’s in. She just does what needs to be done and I love that about her!

3. When you aren’t writing, where can we find you? Reading a book, baking something yummy, or on a run with music blaring.

4. What author has influenced you the most? My grandma loves Victoria Holt. She kept a huge box full of her books in her basement. My cousin and I found her stash and started reading them (probably far before we should have) when we were young. The mystery storytelling with a love story wrapped in really captured me and took me away. I had already loved reading, but that was the first author that I had to go and devour all their books.

5. Where do you write? Is there a special place? Share a picture if you wish. Usually my rocking chair by my window. Sometimes propped up in the pillows of my bed. Annnd if I ever feel writer’s block coming on, my son’s beanbag always does the trick in fighting it off. I probably need a special writing beanbag. (Makes note to get on Amazon.)

6. Do you consider reading as part of your job as a writer? Why or why not? Yes, yes, I do. I think reading what is popular in different genres helps keep me fresh with “what’s in” in the markets. It’s almost a form of research… except a lot more fun.

7. Other than family, what are five things you cannot live without? Unsweet tea, chocolate/sweets, music, my bulldog aka my writing assistant, and my phone and/or laptop.

8. What is your all-time favorite TV show? Dancing with the Stars!

9. Not picking your own, which story in Love Dust is your favorite? Can I cheat and say two?! I’m not sure if it can be my “favorite” because I’m still crying every time I see a peppermint, but "Peppermint Kisses" still gets to me. My grandpa still to this day sneaks me candy in church, so I just cannot get this story out of my head (sniffs). And "Fairy Garden" is pretty awesome too. I love the characters so much I hope it gets a full book someday!

10. If you could meet one writer in the history of the world, who would it be? What would you talk about? J.K. Rowling for sure! Oh my word. I don’t know if I would even be able to talk in her presence, so I have no idea what we would talk about. ANYTHING. And I need for her to tell me where the Sorting Hat would officially put me. Like I still have nightmares I’m Slytherin.

11. What are you working on now? Editing the third book in my YA dystopian series, which will be out this spring.

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